yay today exams end ! ! but had some post exam briefing that took up soooo much of our time after that man ! but during it , was discussing and laughing with the rest about friday and our vivocity outing ! we're supposed to go 'formal' , and me kim and lin were talking bout skirts and pumps and how we can convince dawn and nic to wear it too ! anyways after school , went home , slowly took my time to get ready to meet nic and lin at tanah merah later . then lin called halfway saying that she's gonna be late and doesnt noe what to wear . so i tot that okay yay then i shall continue taking my own sweet time again . but then halfway thru , nic called and for ONCE she's early ! ! wow what a miracle! but it was too late ! i wasnt ready yet ! so yeah thats the reason why i'm late guys ! reached tanah merah and lin and nic were waiting for me already ! so took a train down to dhoby ghaut first cos we were superr hungry and went to eat pepper lunch ! wow now i can understand why nic is so addicted to it ! yummy . then off we walked to the cathay to get our movie tix !so we went there and we were in front of the ticketing counter wondering how come they didnt show the timings for john tucker , so we all had this REALLY BAD FEELING ! and one of us checked the papers today too ! so . . . omg ! they really stopped showing it ! and mon, tues and wed still had ! wells , then we were trying to decide on anothere show , but all of them were either boring , chinese or nc16 . like me , you and dupree ! ! argh . so waited at the computers there to check the timings for cine and the other cinemas . but since there was this group of inconsiderate guys HOGGING the only accessible com cos they were on some dumb online roleplaying site we wasted alot of time ! so when we finally got our turn , poor nic had to touch the really eew and grimy-sweaty mouse ! yuck ! anyway today was a super suay day too cos today was the ONLY day that cine didnt show john tucker and the rest of the cinemas were not showing anymore ! huh so sad ! john tucker was like so hot (: then we took the escalotor down when nic and me spotted this extremely funny sight bout this guy ! hahs ! thenthere was this level that was full of movie posters and we spotted the john tucker one! actually i wanted to take a pic with the JT one but then , we were too paisay to ask someone to help us !
then after that walked ard cathay a bit . went to adidas and saw all the wonderful beloved jackets we want ! omg soooo nice i want one ! and nic and lin want another one some more! then after , lin suggested we walk back to plaza sing to go SHOPPING ! ! so after we reached , we went to the basement and then saw this x:odus SHOE SHOP ! and we saw this really nice and comfy black pumps ! but the size was kinda small and it was the last one too . . but i still like it ! !anyways went to outfitter girls and they were having this CRAZY sale ! then lin saw her orange jacket again ! only 15bucks now and so is my denim jacket ! ! ! ohh wells . then while lin was taking a very long time to decide , i just looked at the clothes but saw nothing much i fancied ., so then we walked another roundof the basement and upstairs , downstairs everywhere while waiting for lin to decide on her jacket ! FINALLY lin decided to buy her jacket so went back to outfitter again and poor nic was going to scream if they ddint have her size ! hahas . but i noe exactly how she feels cos i'm also extremely indecisive when it comes to buying clothes too ! so that i would be rest assured i made a good purchase ! in the end i bought a racer back from there for only 8 bucks ! so then we went to yamaha upstairs to check out the instruments ! then when we were at the drums section , i suddenly remebered that nic told me that ahem was having drum lessons here ! today afternoon ! so me and lin were soooo excited ! we purposely tried to DELAY our time in yamaha but nic couldnt wait to get out ! hahahs then its like we purposely go in and out too ! but then again , i'm very sure that each of us would do the same thing for each of us too !
so yeah when we finallly got out , wanted to buy movie tix , so we walked past this guy . i noticed he was like looking in our direction but didnt really think too much of it UNTIL nic told us a while later that it was actually AHEM ! ! and he smiled at her ! omg ! so then we rushed all the way down to yamaha again to see if we can catch a glimpse of him !hahas so then for the movie , we just decided to watch talladega nights instead cos our feet were aching like mad ! then inside the cinema , hahas it was so funny ! cos there was this really WEIRD smell ! and nic was tempted to spray deo into the air , so me and lin purposely count 1-2-3 and speak loudly so that its would cover the spary sound ! ! hahas then we were also saying that we should have just stayed at cathay instead ! and have nicer bigger and comfier seats with no weird smells ! cheat our feelings !! anyways that show was kinda good cos it made us laugh and all ! then cos mich msged said that there was this shoe sale at citylink , we left for there . while she and ethel would leave there to come to plaza sing outfitters .anyways after walking a LOOONNG distance at citylink ,, didnt really see anything we liked at the shop . so took a train home .
during the train ride was the best man ! our hot topic was what to wear tmr , friday ! then we decided that we were just gonna wear a top with jeans . so much for formal ! then we planned to sabo kim so that she would be the only one in her long wrap skirt ! hahs . then halfway thru i realised that the 3 of us had been talking really loudly and the rest of the train was just quiet ! so it was only OUR voices in the mrt ! then we felt sooo embarrassed cos we sounded really bimbotic and all with our 'omg ! nooo ! ' and ' no , i think you should wear the . . . . instead !' hahahs ! anyway today was seriously a GREAT DAY ! one of the best outings so far i had with nic and lin ! and i notice our outings seem to get fun-ner and funnier ! cos like , i rmb last time and also in sec2 , we would go out and not talk to each other and laugh and be happy for quite long cos i think we were either not happy with each other or someth ? cant rmb . but GONE ARE THOSE DAYS ! now things shall get even better ! tmr will also be a great day too ! cos me , lin , kim ,nic , tiff , dawn and jolene will be going to the one and only vivocity ! whee ~ cant wait ! !

the enlarged version of the below !

toilet pic ~
another PS toilet pic !
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