hahas (: shall blog bout my wonderful time i had together yesterday with all my classmates and sha . okay anyways right , the whole DATE thing was actually a big joke out to make me lose my face ! ! and to think i couldnt get to sleep the whole of sunday night cos of it , AND spent the whole of monday feeling damn miserable and feeling like crap cos of it ! ! argh ! luckily i soooo didnt ask ANY of my guy friends or anything or else i'll just DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT FOREVER and never be able to face them again and possibly lose a friendship ! and to thin k i almost wanted to do it . . omg hahahs . SO their EVIL PLAN was to make me ask a guy out and in the end , all of them would not bring any of their so called 'dates' cos it was all fake ! ! my gosh and then i would have the most embarrassing moment cos it'll be so awkward and i'll dunno what to do with the guy ! hahhs they're the most evil classmates i have man ! but also the nicest and most thoughful and gave a me GREAT time yesterday ! haahs but i figured it out actually but wasnt that confirmed until nic told me the truth on monday night ! see one year older , much smarter too ! hahs !
okay anyways , the tuesday morning started like this , cos i was LATE , had to run to tanah merah again cos all of them were there alr , and little did i noe until later that all of them saw me running from my house to the station with my hair bouncing up and down ! hhaah so unglam ! okay whatever then , went to the station and couldnt find all of them ! and i KNEW they were up to someth cos its them , being them , ahhahs you know ! so went up to the platform and still couldnt find them ! so was like calling them and all and they purposely dont wanna pick up their phones ! ! so was like walking here and there 'frantically' searching for them when SUDDENLY this guy approached me and was like holding a rose and he asked whether it was my birthday and gave me the rose ! omg i was so freakin shocked and i was like laughing away cos i KNEW that they were so behind this ! then i asked him where were they and he was so nice to tell me that they were actually on the OTHER side of the platform even though he's not supposed to . cos i was not supposed to look so at the corner of my eye i could see ALL OF THEM hiding and laughing away at me ! omg so i was like walking again halfway when ANOTHER GUY approached me holding a rose and said the same thing ! then by then i was like thinkin OMG , THOSE GUYS CAN REALLY COME UP WITH SUCH GOOD NONSENSE MAN ! so i was like laughing away too. then after that i turned around and all of them were hiding behind the map thingy and i could SEE ALL OF THEIR LEGS cos it was empty below , and they were like laughing so loudly then i was like you all better come out now ! then all of them rushed into the lift and were like 'BYEEE ! !' omg that was like seriously a damn funny sight . but NOT AT THAT MOMENT when they were all so evil . so i quickly took the lift and went down too , then the moment they saw me coming out of the lift , all of them RAANN up the escalator can , then i was like chasing after them too ! gosh . hhahas finally caught up with them ! and they were all laughing at me and gave me another bouquet of roses ! so sweet ! then they can some more PRETEND that they dont even know those two guys and teased me bout them and all ! argh like whatever ! ! hahahs . anyways they're seriously just oh so evil ! cos all of them turned up in tshirt and pants and i was the only one in a dress ! and at first kim told me that everyone was gonna be in either dress or skirt and all looking very formal ! humph . in the end i was the only one . then when i asked them they were like all acting and saying but we smsed you in the morning what , you didnt receive ? omg i so heard that line before ! hahas .
so then we all took a train down to marina square , then we all walked for a bit before we ended up being split up cos some of us kept walking in and out of the shops cos they were all having sale ! ! then me kim and lin ate abit of carls jr and caught up with the rest again . cos some of us wanted to go watch the prestige at the cathay while some of us wanted to continue shopping . so then before the movie people left we all went to walk around upstairs at the shops ! first went to fourskin and bought a top and necklace , the went to QUIKSILVER and saw this pair of really beautiful skinny jeans from roxy ! ! i'm so inlove with that jeans ! ! then found out that were having a 50 % storewide ! only on that day ((: omg so this type of thing they wont announce unless you go in and the staff tell you ! hahas now i know and i guess we were lucky that day ! so bought the type of hat i've always wanted ! i think its so pretty and got it at half price at only 14bucks ! hahas ! yayness . the the rest had to leave already . . . so said bye to the 5 of them and it was down to me lin kim and dawn . so we spent quite a long time at quiksilver . then went in search for a clutch bag at dorothy perkins ! then i bought this black and white clutch for a steal at only 13! and they were having sale too ! omg alot of really nice bags were going for like so cheap ! i must go again and get one ! ! before its too late ! then after we walked to suntec and walked around a bit , by then we were so tired so went to the arcade where dawn and linette played guitar freaks . and me and kim rested . oh then checked out my birthday presents !~ the ex 1seveners gave me red earth makeup ! and the rest bought me accessories ! well then it was time to leave then followed them back on the train to meet sha at kembangan cos she's bringing me out to dinner !
so met sha already and took a train to clarke quay . hahs . had real fun memories of that place then told sha about it . so we were walking here and there tring to find HOT STONES . then finally found it and found out that its like a sister restaurant of surf and turf . and just went to eat that with my fanily in monday night . then the prices of the food were like . . . omg ! but anyways sha insisted and we couldnt walk out anyway . so we ordered this mixed grill that had steak and another chicken dish . and the drinks , omg was so overpriced . but anyways had quite a good dinner and the total was like amount was like almost 80bucks ! and sha treated me , i love her loads ! then we went to take a walk around clarke quay which was quite crowded . then sha suggested we take the river taxi ! and we finally did after a long time of deciding . it was such an experience and we took lotsa pics and all too (: then reached the esplanade there , argh too bad i had to rush or else we could have taken more pics . then took a cab all the way to kembangan wherie dad fetched me and sha back home . anyways love that day . all my wonderfully evil classmates linette kimberly nicole tiffany dawn caroline valerie rebecca for planning what a memorable birthday for me and the pretty flowers ! LOVE ALL OF THEM LOADS ! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING . it was such a memorable fifteen for me . even though we did split up and all . and for DEAREST SHA who spent a bomb on me too , LOVE HER TOO ! gave me a wonderful dinner and ended the night great as well (:
then went home where my family celebrated my birthday with a yummy apple strudel cake (: hahas love them too . and best of all I THANK YOU GOD for being there for me on my birthday too and blessing me with a wonderful family and FRIENDS !
okay anyways , the tuesday morning started like this , cos i was LATE , had to run to tanah merah again cos all of them were there alr , and little did i noe until later that all of them saw me running from my house to the station with my hair bouncing up and down ! hhaah so unglam ! okay whatever then , went to the station and couldnt find all of them ! and i KNEW they were up to someth cos its them , being them , ahhahs you know ! so went up to the platform and still couldnt find them ! so was like calling them and all and they purposely dont wanna pick up their phones ! ! so was like walking here and there 'frantically' searching for them when SUDDENLY this guy approached me and was like holding a rose and he asked whether it was my birthday and gave me the rose ! omg i was so freakin shocked and i was like laughing away cos i KNEW that they were so behind this ! then i asked him where were they and he was so nice to tell me that they were actually on the OTHER side of the platform even though he's not supposed to . cos i was not supposed to look so at the corner of my eye i could see ALL OF THEM hiding and laughing away at me ! omg so i was like walking again halfway when ANOTHER GUY approached me holding a rose and said the same thing ! then by then i was like thinkin OMG , THOSE GUYS CAN REALLY COME UP WITH SUCH GOOD NONSENSE MAN ! so i was like laughing away too. then after that i turned around and all of them were hiding behind the map thingy and i could SEE ALL OF THEIR LEGS cos it was empty below , and they were like laughing so loudly then i was like you all better come out now ! then all of them rushed into the lift and were like 'BYEEE ! !' omg that was like seriously a damn funny sight . but NOT AT THAT MOMENT when they were all so evil . so i quickly took the lift and went down too , then the moment they saw me coming out of the lift , all of them RAANN up the escalator can , then i was like chasing after them too ! gosh . hhahas finally caught up with them ! and they were all laughing at me and gave me another bouquet of roses ! so sweet ! then they can some more PRETEND that they dont even know those two guys and teased me bout them and all ! argh like whatever ! ! hahahs . anyways they're seriously just oh so evil ! cos all of them turned up in tshirt and pants and i was the only one in a dress ! and at first kim told me that everyone was gonna be in either dress or skirt and all looking very formal ! humph . in the end i was the only one . then when i asked them they were like all acting and saying but we smsed you in the morning what , you didnt receive ? omg i so heard that line before ! hahas .
so then we all took a train down to marina square , then we all walked for a bit before we ended up being split up cos some of us kept walking in and out of the shops cos they were all having sale ! ! then me kim and lin ate abit of carls jr and caught up with the rest again . cos some of us wanted to go watch the prestige at the cathay while some of us wanted to continue shopping . so then before the movie people left we all went to walk around upstairs at the shops ! first went to fourskin and bought a top and necklace , the went to QUIKSILVER and saw this pair of really beautiful skinny jeans from roxy ! ! i'm so inlove with that jeans ! ! then found out that were having a 50 % storewide ! only on that day ((: omg so this type of thing they wont announce unless you go in and the staff tell you ! hahas now i know and i guess we were lucky that day ! so bought the type of hat i've always wanted ! i think its so pretty and got it at half price at only 14bucks ! hahas ! yayness . the the rest had to leave already . . . so said bye to the 5 of them and it was down to me lin kim and dawn . so we spent quite a long time at quiksilver . then went in search for a clutch bag at dorothy perkins ! then i bought this black and white clutch for a steal at only 13! and they were having sale too ! omg alot of really nice bags were going for like so cheap ! i must go again and get one ! ! before its too late ! then after we walked to suntec and walked around a bit , by then we were so tired so went to the arcade where dawn and linette played guitar freaks . and me and kim rested . oh then checked out my birthday presents !~ the ex 1seveners gave me red earth makeup ! and the rest bought me accessories ! well then it was time to leave then followed them back on the train to meet sha at kembangan cos she's bringing me out to dinner !
so met sha already and took a train to clarke quay . hahs . had real fun memories of that place then told sha about it . so we were walking here and there tring to find HOT STONES . then finally found it and found out that its like a sister restaurant of surf and turf . and just went to eat that with my fanily in monday night . then the prices of the food were like . . . omg ! but anyways sha insisted and we couldnt walk out anyway . so we ordered this mixed grill that had steak and another chicken dish . and the drinks , omg was so overpriced . but anyways had quite a good dinner and the total was like amount was like almost 80bucks ! and sha treated me , i love her loads ! then we went to take a walk around clarke quay which was quite crowded . then sha suggested we take the river taxi ! and we finally did after a long time of deciding . it was such an experience and we took lotsa pics and all too (: then reached the esplanade there , argh too bad i had to rush or else we could have taken more pics . then took a cab all the way to kembangan wherie dad fetched me and sha back home . anyways love that day . all my wonderfully evil classmates linette kimberly nicole tiffany dawn caroline valerie rebecca for planning what a memorable birthday for me and the pretty flowers ! LOVE ALL OF THEM LOADS ! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING . it was such a memorable fifteen for me . even though we did split up and all . and for DEAREST SHA who spent a bomb on me too , LOVE HER TOO ! gave me a wonderful dinner and ended the night great as well (:
then went home where my family celebrated my birthday with a yummy apple strudel cake (: hahas love them too . and best of all I THANK YOU GOD for being there for me on my birthday too and blessing me with a wonderful family and FRIENDS !
the bouquet of flowers ! the pretty ROXY hat i bought !
the dorothy perkins clutch !
red earth makeup from them (:
earrings from the rest of them (:
the top and necklace i bought at fourskin (:

me and sha ; while waiting for the river taxi !
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