Tuesday, October 31, 2006
then was late in meeting mich and lianne at school so went out to eat as the cca office closed . came back and asked bout drama . cos we've not been going ! ~ so yeah cca points is really super important so yeah better start going . then after that lianne left and went to look for teachers with mich . found mrs yip and talked to her bout the whole sub dropping thingy . she suggested i drop to combined science instead . like phy/chem combi . everyone says its much easier to get an A for it . so . . . still confused . dunno what to do . but good thing is i dont have to take SPA ! ! hahahs i hate practicals ! cos for me every prac sure got someth wrong with it ! sigh so i give up . so maybe would be dropping to that . real confused .
after everyth mich came over and we discussed our study plans and all . we're actually plannning to study hard and revise sec3 work during these hols ! wow ~ i wonder if we can ever make it ! but wells, have to or else will struggle reAL hard next year . so after sorting out our study plans and target points , we watched SHE'S THE MAN on my com but cos it wasnt a fully downloaded version and by then we were kinda crazy over the super HOT guy in the show we went to rent it opposite our houses , i mean as in the video shop there . and yeah so romantic and that superrrrr HOT guy (: with all the muscles and all . LOL then after that we just all went home . but i'm kinda happy that there's actually a video shop so near our houses so that we can rent movies anytime anywhere !~ yayness (; then tmr got BOOORRRRIING history lesson from 8 to 123o ! ! argh . grreeaat ! bleah !
Sunday, October 29, 2006
yeah so then when service was gonna start we all gotta stand in front of everyone at the gates there and all and wait for every one to go in and give out bulletins to them . that means missing worship as well . . but its okay . so after everything was done , during offering , my job was to count the no of people in each sector so like had to count and all . and like people will stare at you wondering whether you're talking to yourself or what ! now i realise they actually do this and i wonder why i didnt notice people actually counting before ! then well went back to seat and all . then when service was gonna end we all had to go near the gates again and like wave goodbye to all the people and like say byee , see you next week , god bless you ! and like must act really enthu too . but since i was freezing i couldnt . after service ended we all went into the black tent again for debriefing , then we took a group pic of like my group only led by shawnie ! then they just like talked bout their experience and all .
today we didnt have cell group too cos shawnie had to rush off for a performance . sigh so boring after service cos its like nothing to do and all . so then since my hair was freakin FLAT cos of the cap i wanted to go home quick so took 24 with nicole . hahas kinda excited cos next week we're dancing ! to take it all and majesty (: and maybe mich and lianne are coming too (: tatas ~

our group for the hospitality team ! i'm on the far left (:
Friday, October 27, 2006
today was also the last day of SCHOOL ! hahas yay like i've waited forever for this day although today was damn boring . oh yeah and it was also wear what you like day . class theme was polo tee with 3quarts or jeans . normal lar but that outfit is just so not me anymore . had prayer service in the morn then recess then some stupid surveys and lopez talked and talked and talked before giving out our report books . oh wells . didnt come as a shock to me cos this morning woke up damn late and mich was so nice to come over in the morning to wait for me then dad fetched us to school . hahas but the school is so SLOW that they havent even started going to the hall yet ! then there , lopez talked to me bout my 'wonderful' results and all and encouraged me to drop one pure science . so yeah back to that , my positions and all were demoralising . being in a class like 3/7 where evryone has freakin smart brain cells that even if they dont listen and SLEEP during lessons , AND STUDY LAST MINUTE they still get the grades . argh so pissifying . but unfortunately for me it doesnt work that way so its like i'm lacking behind and all . argh fine so i dont have like einstien IQ . oh but who wants that anyways to turn out a crazy scientist . okay WHATEVER . i'mlike so disappointed with everything , although i studied last min and all , i PUT IN EFFORT ! i mean its sooo unfair ! other people also study last min and all but THEY STILL GET DECENT GRADES ! not like F9 RIGHT ?! wth . humph .
oh and i CANT STAND IT when certain people boast bout their freakin good/decent grades like infront of me when they know how i did . and like some people boast about it SUBTLY as in like indirectly but making sure that I KNOW about their grades too ! those people are freakin bitches man . they should just shut their damn mouth and just . .
whatever . and like certain people are like pretending to be like so 'unsmart' and boasting about their laziness to me to study and all , but in the end they turn out doing like not that bad and quite okay . its like totally 'CHEAT MY FEELINGS' kinda feeling !~ argh . whatever heck these bitches . went to see the vp just now and she advised me how should i choose what sub to drop . it;ll either be physics or chem anyways . OH YAR I JUST REMEMBERED , lopez is such a major bitch cos she told lin about me and my stupid level position when lin didnt even like mention anything to her at all . i mean like what if lin isnt close to me and all ? or she goes telling someone whom i'm not even close to all these things , it'll be like so demoralising for me . like she doesnt spare a thought for people's feelings man !
so then after school , mich came to my house again to get ready and all . cos that day there was a nike bag sale at suntec so mich wanted to see . so then met lianne and went suntec for lunch but the sale was gone anyways . then had to rush home to get ready for dance . and now i'm like so broke . cant shop anymore :(
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
okay anyways , the tuesday morning started like this , cos i was LATE , had to run to tanah merah again cos all of them were there alr , and little did i noe until later that all of them saw me running from my house to the station with my hair bouncing up and down ! hhaah so unglam ! okay whatever then , went to the station and couldnt find all of them ! and i KNEW they were up to someth cos its them , being them , ahhahs you know ! so went up to the platform and still couldnt find them ! so was like calling them and all and they purposely dont wanna pick up their phones ! ! so was like walking here and there 'frantically' searching for them when SUDDENLY this guy approached me and was like holding a rose and he asked whether it was my birthday and gave me the rose ! omg i was so freakin shocked and i was like laughing away cos i KNEW that they were so behind this ! then i asked him where were they and he was so nice to tell me that they were actually on the OTHER side of the platform even though he's not supposed to . cos i was not supposed to look so at the corner of my eye i could see ALL OF THEM hiding and laughing away at me ! omg so i was like walking again halfway when ANOTHER GUY approached me holding a rose and said the same thing ! then by then i was like thinkin OMG , THOSE GUYS CAN REALLY COME UP WITH SUCH GOOD NONSENSE MAN ! so i was like laughing away too. then after that i turned around and all of them were hiding behind the map thingy and i could SEE ALL OF THEIR LEGS cos it was empty below , and they were like laughing so loudly then i was like you all better come out now ! then all of them rushed into the lift and were like 'BYEEE ! !' omg that was like seriously a damn funny sight . but NOT AT THAT MOMENT when they were all so evil . so i quickly took the lift and went down too , then the moment they saw me coming out of the lift , all of them RAANN up the escalator can , then i was like chasing after them too ! gosh . hhahas finally caught up with them ! and they were all laughing at me and gave me another bouquet of roses ! so sweet ! then they can some more PRETEND that they dont even know those two guys and teased me bout them and all ! argh like whatever ! ! hahahs . anyways they're seriously just oh so evil ! cos all of them turned up in tshirt and pants and i was the only one in a dress ! and at first kim told me that everyone was gonna be in either dress or skirt and all looking very formal ! humph . in the end i was the only one . then when i asked them they were like all acting and saying but we smsed you in the morning what , you didnt receive ? omg i so heard that line before ! hahas .
so then we all took a train down to marina square , then we all walked for a bit before we ended up being split up cos some of us kept walking in and out of the shops cos they were all having sale ! ! then me kim and lin ate abit of carls jr and caught up with the rest again . cos some of us wanted to go watch the prestige at the cathay while some of us wanted to continue shopping . so then before the movie people left we all went to walk around upstairs at the shops ! first went to fourskin and bought a top and necklace , the went to QUIKSILVER and saw this pair of really beautiful skinny jeans from roxy ! ! i'm so inlove with that jeans ! ! then found out that were having a 50 % storewide ! only on that day ((: omg so this type of thing they wont announce unless you go in and the staff tell you ! hahas now i know and i guess we were lucky that day ! so bought the type of hat i've always wanted ! i think its so pretty and got it at half price at only 14bucks ! hahas ! yayness . the the rest had to leave already . . . so said bye to the 5 of them and it was down to me lin kim and dawn . so we spent quite a long time at quiksilver . then went in search for a clutch bag at dorothy perkins ! then i bought this black and white clutch for a steal at only 13! and they were having sale too ! omg alot of really nice bags were going for like so cheap ! i must go again and get one ! ! before its too late ! then after we walked to suntec and walked around a bit , by then we were so tired so went to the arcade where dawn and linette played guitar freaks . and me and kim rested . oh then checked out my birthday presents !~ the ex 1seveners gave me red earth makeup ! and the rest bought me accessories ! well then it was time to leave then followed them back on the train to meet sha at kembangan cos she's bringing me out to dinner !
so met sha already and took a train to clarke quay . hahs . had real fun memories of that place then told sha about it . so we were walking here and there tring to find HOT STONES . then finally found it and found out that its like a sister restaurant of surf and turf . and just went to eat that with my fanily in monday night . then the prices of the food were like . . . omg ! but anyways sha insisted and we couldnt walk out anyway . so we ordered this mixed grill that had steak and another chicken dish . and the drinks , omg was so overpriced . but anyways had quite a good dinner and the total was like amount was like almost 80bucks ! and sha treated me , i love her loads ! then we went to take a walk around clarke quay which was quite crowded . then sha suggested we take the river taxi ! and we finally did after a long time of deciding . it was such an experience and we took lotsa pics and all too (: then reached the esplanade there , argh too bad i had to rush or else we could have taken more pics . then took a cab all the way to kembangan wherie dad fetched me and sha back home . anyways love that day . all my wonderfully evil classmates linette kimberly nicole tiffany dawn caroline valerie rebecca for planning what a memorable birthday for me and the pretty flowers ! LOVE ALL OF THEM LOADS ! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING . it was such a memorable fifteen for me . even though we did split up and all . and for DEAREST SHA who spent a bomb on me too , LOVE HER TOO ! gave me a wonderful dinner and ended the night great as well (:
then went home where my family celebrated my birthday with a yummy apple strudel cake (: hahas love them too . and best of all I THANK YOU GOD for being there for me on my birthday too and blessing me with a wonderful family and FRIENDS !
the bouquet of flowers ! the pretty ROXY hat i bought !
the dorothy perkins clutch !
red earth makeup from them (:
earrings from the rest of them (:
the top and necklace i bought at fourskin (:

me and sha ; while waiting for the river taxi !
Sunday, October 22, 2006
then after eating the cake, which was CHEESE , they started talking bout their hospitality duty experience and all . omg its so fun ! but so sad i only have one week left to do it . oh and we started talking bout baptism names too ! cos when we get baptised we can have new names ! hahas so cool ! so gonna do it soon ! wonder what name should i choose ! hmmm . . vanessa shannon tan ? LOL or vanessa gabrielle tan ? hahahs ! ((: anyways after that they all prayed for me and blessed me with good health and results tmr ! gosh . i really really love them all ! even with the last few weeks i felt as though like didnt feel like going to church and so unloved , i realised that i still have my wonderful family of sisters there for me ! and i really thank GOD for that . it justs makes me smile so much and feel really grateful ! now all this cheerfulness has sorta taken my fever away ! LOL . ohoh and sha is SUCH a dear ! she wants to take me out for dinner at clarke quay on tues after going out with classmates !
anyways just found out from tiff that on tues we're all supposed to bring a DATE out with us ! omg and its all kim's wonderful idea ! i mean WHO am i gonna ask , and isnt the GUY supposed to ask ?! argh see lar now i'm in such a great big dilemma ! argh . and soooo last min then only i know ! whatever man . now the rest of the 9 of us has to go ASK guys when that lucky woman there has been ASKED ! bleah ~
anyways , still i 'm so glad about this afternoon . so touched too , hahhas . i've repeated that so many times but i still mean it loads !
anyways despite feeling kinda shitty over the last few days . i'm just glad that people have been praying for me and all (: makes me feel so loved and cared for , as i didnt feel that way over the last week . but i guess now everyth's taking a turn around . i hope . and hope that it'll stay that way too . but dunno if it will for tmr's results . i mean its like when you put in effort and allthen you get some lousy shit results , spoil my entire day ! and some for some people its the complete opposite. like so totally unfair ! ! argh anyways i've realised that sleeping early and getting enough sleep prevents you from feeling hungry too often and getting fat , so thats exactly what i'm gonna do ! SLEEP EARLY ! !
Thursday, October 19, 2006
ANYWAYS . i stopped cos mdm heng was coming over . typing this now at 1020pm . so had SPORTS today . yeah right . more like we played catching and frisbee and inline skating ! quite fun ! no cher to supervise us ! yupp so after that had recess then went up to the av to watch akeelah and the bee . at first i tot it was some boring nerd show . but in the end the movie left quite a number of us screaming and hearts a-fluttering with SEAN MICHAEL AFABLE ! omg he's soooo cute . and during the movie . the whole 3/7 gang on the floor , led by kim the longhorrea (or whatever! new word to describe her !) one , were all screaming and laughing madly at ALL the funny and SWEET moments ! omg it was the best time i ever had ! and during the parts where the ohsocute dylan chiu came up we were all like "ahhhhhhhhh! sooooooo cute !" hahhs ! i think all of us were damn high during the show ! and yeah just now went to his webpage ! and found out he's actually turning 18 soon and he's a christian and lives in california ! ! the orange county ! omg thats sooooo cool ! i so wanna go there NOW ! ! ! (((:
yeah then after school . had to find them . cos they walked off without me . like hello ? forgotten someone ? anyways to cut the whole freakin long story short . mich and lianne came to my house to wait for me to bathe and all before going for touchdance ! then i found out that there was actually NO dance today . hmm so its like if i didnt ask or anything , i would end up going to bukit merah myself and find that the place is EMPTY ? ! argh . anyways. then we followed mich to her dental first . then after that realised i had dental too . so they followed me home again and followed me to parkway cos mich was supposed to meet S to console him . so in the end S brought his friend and lianne and i came too . so by the time we reached parkway it was damn late . so after left mich and lianne with S and his friend at macs , went to dental . which took so bloody damn long waitin for my turn that i finished reading my whole seventeen mag ! ! argh so by the time i finshed it was 720pm . then went to meet m and l who were walking ard parkway with those 2 guys .
argh . i dunno why . in a totally pissed mood now . cos of tmr's FREAKIN SHOOTING .and every single idiot thing that has happened . hello . i cant shooot for nuts , and do a GUY sport ? not even in my dreams . but i've had a headache since afternoon . so maybe tmr morning i'll be down with a fever . hahs ! goodbye shoooting ! bleah !~
Friday, October 13, 2006
yay today exams end ! ! but had some post exam briefing that took up soooo much of our time after that man ! but during it , was discussing and laughing with the rest about friday and our vivocity outing ! we're supposed to go 'formal' , and me kim and lin were talking bout skirts and pumps and how we can convince dawn and nic to wear it too ! anyways after school , went home , slowly took my time to get ready to meet nic and lin at tanah merah later . then lin called halfway saying that she's gonna be late and doesnt noe what to wear . so i tot that okay yay then i shall continue taking my own sweet time again . but then halfway thru , nic called and for ONCE she's early ! ! wow what a miracle! but it was too late ! i wasnt ready yet ! so yeah thats the reason why i'm late guys ! reached tanah merah and lin and nic were waiting for me already ! so took a train down to dhoby ghaut first cos we were superr hungry and went to eat pepper lunch ! wow now i can understand why nic is so addicted to it ! yummy . then off we walked to the cathay to get our movie tix !so we went there and we were in front of the ticketing counter wondering how come they didnt show the timings for john tucker , so we all had this REALLY BAD FEELING ! and one of us checked the papers today too ! so . . . omg ! they really stopped showing it ! and mon, tues and wed still had ! wells , then we were trying to decide on anothere show , but all of them were either boring , chinese or nc16 . like me , you and dupree ! ! argh . so waited at the computers there to check the timings for cine and the other cinemas . but since there was this group of inconsiderate guys HOGGING the only accessible com cos they were on some dumb online roleplaying site we wasted alot of time ! so when we finally got our turn , poor nic had to touch the really eew and grimy-sweaty mouse ! yuck ! anyway today was a super suay day too cos today was the ONLY day that cine didnt show john tucker and the rest of the cinemas were not showing anymore ! huh so sad ! john tucker was like so hot (: then we took the escalotor down when nic and me spotted this extremely funny sight bout this guy ! hahs ! thenthere was this level that was full of movie posters and we spotted the john tucker one! actually i wanted to take a pic with the JT one but then , we were too paisay to ask someone to help us !
then after that walked ard cathay a bit . went to adidas and saw all the wonderful beloved jackets we want ! omg soooo nice i want one ! and nic and lin want another one some more! then after , lin suggested we walk back to plaza sing to go SHOPPING ! ! so after we reached , we went to the basement and then saw this x:odus SHOE SHOP ! and we saw this really nice and comfy black pumps ! but the size was kinda small and it was the last one too . . but i still like it ! !anyways went to outfitter girls and they were having this CRAZY sale ! then lin saw her orange jacket again ! only 15bucks now and so is my denim jacket ! ! ! ohh wells . then while lin was taking a very long time to decide , i just looked at the clothes but saw nothing much i fancied ., so then we walked another roundof the basement and upstairs , downstairs everywhere while waiting for lin to decide on her jacket ! FINALLY lin decided to buy her jacket so went back to outfitter again and poor nic was going to scream if they ddint have her size ! hahas . but i noe exactly how she feels cos i'm also extremely indecisive when it comes to buying clothes too ! so that i would be rest assured i made a good purchase ! in the end i bought a racer back from there for only 8 bucks ! so then we went to yamaha upstairs to check out the instruments ! then when we were at the drums section , i suddenly remebered that nic told me that ahem was having drum lessons here ! today afternoon ! so me and lin were soooo excited ! we purposely tried to DELAY our time in yamaha but nic couldnt wait to get out ! hahahs then its like we purposely go in and out too ! but then again , i'm very sure that each of us would do the same thing for each of us too !
so yeah when we finallly got out , wanted to buy movie tix , so we walked past this guy . i noticed he was like looking in our direction but didnt really think too much of it UNTIL nic told us a while later that it was actually AHEM ! ! and he smiled at her ! omg ! so then we rushed all the way down to yamaha again to see if we can catch a glimpse of him !hahas so then for the movie , we just decided to watch talladega nights instead cos our feet were aching like mad ! then inside the cinema , hahas it was so funny ! cos there was this really WEIRD smell ! and nic was tempted to spray deo into the air , so me and lin purposely count 1-2-3 and speak loudly so that its would cover the spary sound ! ! hahas then we were also saying that we should have just stayed at cathay instead ! and have nicer bigger and comfier seats with no weird smells ! cheat our feelings !! anyways that show was kinda good cos it made us laugh and all ! then cos mich msged said that there was this shoe sale at citylink , we left for there . while she and ethel would leave there to come to plaza sing outfitters .anyways after walking a LOOONNG distance at citylink ,, didnt really see anything we liked at the shop . so took a train home .
during the train ride was the best man ! our hot topic was what to wear tmr , friday ! then we decided that we were just gonna wear a top with jeans . so much for formal ! then we planned to sabo kim so that she would be the only one in her long wrap skirt ! hahs . then halfway thru i realised that the 3 of us had been talking really loudly and the rest of the train was just quiet ! so it was only OUR voices in the mrt ! then we felt sooo embarrassed cos we sounded really bimbotic and all with our 'omg ! nooo ! ' and ' no , i think you should wear the . . . . instead !' hahahs ! anyway today was seriously a GREAT DAY ! one of the best outings so far i had with nic and lin ! and i notice our outings seem to get fun-ner and funnier ! cos like , i rmb last time and also in sec2 , we would go out and not talk to each other and laugh and be happy for quite long cos i think we were either not happy with each other or someth ? cant rmb . but GONE ARE THOSE DAYS ! now things shall get even better ! tmr will also be a great day too ! cos me , lin , kim ,nic , tiff , dawn and jolene will be going to the one and only vivocity ! whee ~ cant wait ! !

toilet pic ~
another PS toilet pic !
the moment we went in was like wooow ! soooo big ! then went in search for a place to have lunch . wanted to eat at carls jr but couldnt even find it ! so while in serach for it we walked and walked and ended up in harbourfront centre ! and we were actually wondering eh how come vivocity looks so old . . but then since we saw a pastamania nearby , went there to eat instead . but turns out the pastas were horrible ! ! lin , dawn and jolene's baked rice was all watery and yeahh . we all felt so cheated of our feelings when we found out vivocity had so much other nicer places to eat . sigh . was planning to eat at some nice nice restaurant but ended up in a horrible pastamania ! everyone felt so cheated and totally regretted it ! then after lunch , it was time for SHOPPING ! ! ! first we went to zara , tried on clothes ! took pics , then went to TOPSHOP ! ! where i bought this really nice long rocker chick top thats only 23 bucks ! then we went to the shoes section and was so fascinated with the ultra cute bedroom slippers !! some of them were all white fluffy fur , in the shape of a mouse ! the mouse slippers were sooo adorable , me and kim tried it on and fell in love with it ! took a pic of that too ! then went to our FAVOURITE place , FOREVER21 ~ ALL OF US WENT REALLL HIGH THERE ! cos we went ot the accessory section and tried on the big retro shades and cam whored with it ! and were laughing ALOT and talking quite loudly too ! ! then we saw the real nice scarves ! and we posed with them too ! hahas basically we just took lots of crazy pics and all ! so after that we were kinda bored of vivo alr and wanted to leave for plaza sing to go outfitter girls , when tiffany called and said she was in vivo alr . so dawn nic and jolene went to find her but in the end , me lin and kim found tiff first cos the other 3 got lost ! hahahs .
then since fanny just arrived we brought her around all the shops and went back to forever21 again ! then went to the acessory section and was looking at the headbands . then suddenly kim was like why dont we all buy it ? then we wear it to school and be trend setters and 3/7 doesnt only have the nerds but people who noe how to dress well too ! hahas then me kim and tiff got so excited and started choosing headbands ! had trouble putting it on too ! ! messed up our fringes ! hah . then lin and nic came down from their resting place and lin finally is gonna buy her shades and share it with nic ! and nic bought a headband too ! hahs ! then we were saying aiyo , the moment tiff came we all spent money ! then walked around forever21 posed with bags and dresses again ! so then we decided to take the train to dhoby ghaut to PS . while there , me nic and kim went to the toilet to try on our headbands and we spent a damn long time inside cos those headbands kept slipping off and messing up our hair ! in the end we gave up and looked for the rest at outfitter girls ~! there, the rest tried on clothes and all ! kim spent quite a bomb , lin was deciding bout a skirt and tiff actually bought this really nice grey sequinned spag top !! hahaa finally yay ! ~!
so after that walked ard ps for a while more when tiff spotted becky and other sacians . so we went to the last floor where dawn and jolene could finally play their guitar game at the arcade ! omg it was so funny seeing them ! hahhs . then went down to carrefour to meet becky and took a group pic ! then had to rush home first without the rest all cos of my mom ! argh she's such a spoiler ! if not , we'll prob be having alot of fun in the mrt ride home , and it'll be a soooo much better way to end the day too ! but NO , i had to RUN and RUSH all the way home all cos of her . what a party pooper! then she can still ask me what i bought , but of course i didnt tell her ALL the things i bought and the money i spent or else she'll prob go BONKERS and kill me ! started the day GREAT but ended the day HORRIBLE . bleah how wonderful my life is .
ANYWAYS I'M GOING TO KL AND GENTING TMR , SATURDAY ! I'LL ONLY BE BACK ON WEDNESDAY ! . that means i'll miss mon and wed of school . since tues is a marking day . but actually i kinda regret cos ever since today . had soooo much fun and bonding ! so i'm gonna miss them loads ! anyways love you guys ! made my day so enjoyable ((:

GROUP PIC IN CARREFOUR ! of all places right ? LOL
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
anyway i'm just so excited cos on thurs gonna watch john tucker must die with nic and lin ! (: finally another movie outing together again . and on sat gonna go tothe lime flea market with them too! yay shopping ! oh and heard that outfitter girls are having the 10 bucks tops again! must go see and get one if its nice ! yeah cant believe exams are gonna be finally over ! so fast . only 2 more papers left ! and i might be going on HOLIDAY next weeek ! which means . . I CAN MISS SCHOOL ! hahas !
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
1 . have not enough sleep
2. stressed out
3. easily irritable
4. eat more ! when studying . see , studying makes you fat
5. unhealthy !
bleah . i just ate char kuay teow for lunch ! ARGH shouldnt have . but i just cant wait for everyth to be over , then the fun would begin . like so extremely worn out cos was cramming like mad for social studies last night . then actually studied with mich and like 1 plus . so we decided to take a nap and wake up again to continue , but in the end we slept ALL the way . but whatever its finally over ! later have to like , totally RELEARN EVERYTHING for chem . omg dunno how i'm gonna do it . anyways . after exams i shall have a new shopping/diet/exercising/skipschool plan (: i am gonna
1. start shopping again ! !
2. DIET ! must eat less unhealthy food
3. go to he gym downstairs ! maybe start swimming too .
4. make a resolution to use uZap EVERY NIGHT ! !
5. plan our fun days-off
6. return to TOUCHDANCE ! ! and hangout with the dancers and totally focus on building up my skills !
7. take up outside jazz classes at jitterbugs ?
8. totally pamper and take care of worn out unhealthy self all cos of exams !
now i shall go catch some sleep then wake up and start mugging away !
Monday, October 02, 2006
anyways today met chrislyn early at expo to study . then while waiting for her went inside the carnival and looked for dad and hannah . its so nice , just to be a little kid again and not having to worry bout all the complications now , and to have fun at the carnival . sigh . anyways we spent a really loonng time looking for a seat and int he end we went inside hall 10 behind there to do our work on the floor . but actually it was quite comfortable , and also with daniel khong talking bout his life story in the background ! then we were like observing him and all while he was doing the magic tricks . then i was like , i like a guy who can make me laugh . then chrislyn was like yeah , and can humor you with magic tricks too . i think she was referring to daniel . but that really reminded me of someone in the past . . .
but yeah . actually did some work in the comfort of hall 10 ! after that it was time to go in so while waiting , there were these mascots from the children's carnival walking around and one of them was this old grandmama that looked so cute that we both took a pic with it ! hahahs here it is .
the grandma's like so cute !
today's worship was kinda cool cos the PARADISE band from aussie came ! but so weird cos they sang hillsong songs . but anyway i think today's sermon was really cool too ! it wasnt really a sermom , more like ps khong and his family doing magic for us . omg i think its so cool , like you can really see the strong bond of their famliy so close and performing as a family . they're so blessed . thats what i really wanna have . so yeah after service was nothing . just like last time , cos we didnt have cell .
today had english papers 1 and 2 ! the start of exams ! hmm . today was also SUCH a long day ! had chinese tuition first then had 3 hours of bio tuition ! argh . tiring . got no mood for studying already . but i'm gonna miss bio tuition cost its the last lesson today . and the girls laughing bout the guys with all their fashion faux pas like , the vs guy with ULTRA high socks and the VERY VISIBLE panty line !~ omg ! hahas then we were saying that he should wear a gstring to avoid showing unnessecery things . but there's only two reasons why its soooo obvious ! 1. his pants is too high ! 2. his underwear is too tight ! so THERE !