li anne's birthday today ! our original plan was to actually celebrate it today by you noe, or even take two days off. but since all these things had happened yeah everything was ruined. anyway me and mich actually planned to make li anne our version of an all american breakfast today but, hahs that would mean waking up really early in the morn and me going over to mich's house. but unfortunately it was like so late in the nite already. and we all needed our beauty sleep. so we settled on after school instead. so after school, th 4 of us again went were together but ethel had to go so the 3 of us went to mich's house to prepare somthing special for li anne and practise our cooking skills !! hahs.
so afetr our spaghetti, me and mich went to the kitchen to think of something to create. hahas. one of our many choices, were some omelette thingy or some weird creation and li anne had to aet it no matter what hahas . but since we were already so full, we made dessert in the end. so i suggested something to do with milo, and mich took out a drumstick icecream. so while we were racking our brains, mich suddenly decided to cut up the ice cream cone ! and put one half of it inside the hot milo somemore ! and suddenly i just dunno why but mich insisted on putting TWO GRAPES into the milo and icecream!! HAHAS so i was sooo shocked and everything but we were laughing away and it was o funny ! so the moment we served li anne our creation , she was like shocked and laughing at the same time. hahs so yeahh she tried it, but it would go nicer with iced milo ! ((: hahas. took pics too. will post them soon. so far the day was a good one. thank God=)
today school was not bad too. went out for lunch with nic and linette opp school cos had BORING bio tutorial after that ! so we ordered this new creation by the coffee shop called nescafe cino, like hot nescafe coffee, condensed milk and some foam thingy on top. we shared it and surprisingly the coffee really did worked cos during bio we were surprisingly awake !! it so does wonders. so after that went home in a cab(yay) with the mich li anne and ethel. so once i got home, had to quickly start on hw as had dance later in th evening and had piles of hw to do by tmr kaes !! ohh yar today at school, met karyn while walking to the toilet. so she asked how's church and so i asked her how come she hasn't been coming to church. so she said she's attending city harvest now ! cos her dad's attending there so he wants her to follow him there. so i was really quite shocked so i told her bout kerin too. oh yeah, kerin has officially decided to go to city harvest already. i cant believe this is happening ! that means she'll never be coming back to fcbc and all ! i mean wont she even miss us ?? but well she says she's really happy in her new cell group. i mean like that i already feel so like heart-pain, what more poor shawnie? since one more of her girls has also gone to city harvest. gosh. what is happening to my cell?? its getting smaller and smaller !! now its only me, sha , adrina, nicole and susie left. i just miss that sense of BIG family-ness when we were still at pea's side. come to think of it, i miss it back there, and i wished we had never changed tribe at all. so now karyn and kerin has gone to city harvest, and i just think sha is like very likely to go too since her parents are there already !
anyways, i just got ready for dance rehearsal at tct . and she's like probably with him , which is like her boyfriend now, celebrating his birthday. and she even said she most prob would be late for dance. i mean, punctuality is like something NOT to be treated lightly. and now since my rep is sorta like ruined already, i cant afford to ruin it more. so since i thought she was not coming since she's like forever not replying my msges when i ask her if she's going for dance . its so obvious that she doesnt take dance seriously. but now, i wont care anymore, cos its bout me and God for dance rehearsals, not me , her and God. so yeah i arrived into the audi, samantha twinkle and rachel were there only so they asked me where's she? so i said i dunno i think she isnt coming. which seems like it. BUT den she suddenly turned up together with clarissa and chrislyn. so of cos i was quite shocked suddenly see her. anyways she didnt even tell me anything bout all this ! so from now onwards, i'm not gonna give a damn bout what she does cos people like her are just not worth being friends with, cos they only let you down.
anyways things between us werent really good that nite. but its good also . yeah so anyways this sun i'll be dancing again. kingdom come and the time has come (: yupps so anyway after the whole thing we gotta get into our groups and prayed. i'm so glad i got candy as my group leader ! she's so nice lar and super funny too !! yupps so after i got home, bathed and den got started with ALL that hw. den finallly i couldnt take it and went to sleep bout 1 plus. argh talk bout sleepiness !!
today was a nice day too but everyone in class was really sleepy can. almost everyone stayed after 12 just to finish up the hw. some even slept at 4am ! come on, give yourself a break and get some beauty sleep man ! yeahh so was trying desperately to keep awake during all those boring lessoms. ok so during chem, mrs boo was like telling us that she went to google herself on blogs the other day and found a whole list of student's blog talking bout her. and she said that she even saw a blog with her pic in it and she was like ' but i really really never teach that girl!" and like how come she has my pic? den suddenly someone said that it was actually rebecca's blog ! and they took the pic of her when she wasnt looking ! hahas. yeah. anywyas. during a maths, the class was like begging mrs heng to tell us a story, so when she said " when i was in sec 3..." me , nic and caroline were like ohh no not that one again ! but guess wad? turns out its mrsheng actually told us that she had some female crush on this pe teacher and that she joined netball but couldnt catch any balls. ahahs. den we were seriously like " errrrrmm.. " hahs. anyways that was like so brave of her to tell us that ! i mean these things are usually you noe.. not so supposed to tell the whole world.
yeah anyways today supposed to have drama but the 4 of us pretended that we had not seen the drama board which said " change of plans , EVERYONE must come for drama " oh wells who ask them, so last minute so too bad ! hahs ! ((: yeahh just talked to adrina just now on msn , den she asked me if i was angry with her so i just told her in the end. hahhs now everythings back to normal with her and me. wait must upload the crzy pics we took on sunday !!

and there were people staring at us while we posed !
another crazy shot ! hahas gosh i cant believe it. anyways there's more i'm gonna put on friendster.

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