i'm not at
school today (: because because well i just didnt feel like it . after yesterday's
stupid haircut and all . feel so
shit . yeah so yesterday went to
centrepoint with mom to do our hair . i'm so
freaking pissed with that stupid hairstylist . like how many
million times i had to tell him not to cut my fringe so
short , but yet he still did ! WTF now i look like an idiot thanks to him . now i have to pin my fringe up thanks to him !
i hate this . f*** my hair is horrible now . but luckily the rest of the hair on my head is fine . i'm
never letting that guy touch my hair again , and
both times he did my hair , he still disappointed me . i'm learning my lesson this time . i'm never going back there . argh always cutting hair in his own way . and many other
freakin things in my life too . wthhhhhhh fcuking pissed off .
anyway after my horrible haircut , met
sylvie and we went off shopping . luckily i met her not anyone else , she made me feel
better (: walked to
taka and we got sa's present then walked around and looked at clothes . and we felt so tempted by
pepper lunch that we went to eat there , promising ourselves that
no dinner tonight for us (: haha then went back to meet mom while sylvie continued shopping . sigh i'm so jealous ): she got to spent
200+bucks on clothes ! but its okay cos i'm going shopping very soon ! (:
i need retail therapy to help me get over my hair and pass time while it grows back .

well actually we took loads of pics . but since i've pinned up my fringe , there's no way i'm gonna post it here .
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