today for service was doing some promoting thing for the new year countdown with chrislyn . supposed to dress retro . so met at the station and was on our way to church . we were talking about how fast this day was surely gonna end and like dont want it to end so fast cos we're gonna miss 2006 and this day so so much . and then whoosh yesterday has come and passed . everything just happpened in a flash . it was all just too fast . sigh . oh wells . anyway went to expo then walked around giving out tickets and all . then for after that during service they like introduced the promos and we had to walk out at the front of the stage and strike some retro pose . or something . anyhows it was fun . its nice being involed in stuff like this (: so then todays message was like good . then at the end . we would all take turns to come out in front and be slained . haha we actually went up two times ! me chrislyn and charis . first ps nina then ps khong ! heh (: today was really spirit filled . then after service we all had to rush and meet up to get changed and our make up done . all in a total rush ! then after had to practise blocking and all again . i tell you time passed so so fast then okay ! but it was fun cos took alot of pics and posing for the cameraman . gosh i will never forget this day . then rehearsed and all . was quite nervous but then thanks to all the encouragement from each other we managed to pull everyth off . then the party started ! at first they were playing all the retro music from the beatles and elvis and we were all dancing and acting crazy to the music with retro moves . sigh i just LOVE the retroness ! it was something like planetshakers with the chairs all removed and all . so then we danced . then went back to the room and all . then it was time for JOYFUL JOYFUL . our celebration team performance item . we were all so nervous but in the end . it was a total blast . my first time dancing on the very expo stage . it was so fun . but then it happened so fast ! it was over already ! WHY MUST IT BE SO FAST ? argh i'm like repeating myself here . but its so true !
well we all did well . oh then my bling bling got caught in my hoop earring while dancing halfway . that thing was quite heavy okay . so you must know how painful it is . then it was time for the new year countdown . but somehow . and then 2007 ! sigh . wonder how the year's gonna be like . honestly i'm afraid . i'm afraid of the obstacles i know i'll face . i feel like running away . but it doenst help anything . 3 things i wanna thank GOD for . 1) for this wonderful opportunity to serve in the dance ministry 2) the many new close friendship ties i've made 3) that GOD has helped me to learn many things many many things and helping me thru the obstacles i've faced .
what i hope for 2007 . 1) good results for O's 2) more opportunities to serve and become a better dancer 3) more new friendships to be made and to have closer friendship bonds 4) to become a better christian and to draw closer to God .
i know i'm afraid of whats gonna happen in school . but then the only way i can overcome this fear is to trust God and let him take charge and know that his FAVOUR is going to be on me . okay yes i know i can do it (:
oh and even though i didnt see my cell group the whole of yesterday . at least my parents came ! i feel so happy that they can finally get a chance to see me serving . especially on stage ! whee . thank GOD . for everthing . ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY for getting me through the obstacles that i've faced . the many FEARS i've faced . especially in school . he is such a wonderful father . sigh i feel like crying now . the start of the year is always like that . uneasy , worried . but then after a while its okay everythings getting used to . i hope the first few months will pass quickly . then everythign can start to slow down then start to pick up again at the second half of the year esp when its O's . okay must trust God and rely on him . i know its possible . cos i can do all things through christ who strengthens me . gosh i sound so holy now . but i dont care what the world thinks about me . ITS NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL .
i feel so much better after typing everything out . no longer do i feel shitty about school and homework cos i know no matter what , God's gonna help me through everything i do (: praise HIM !

me and meixiu with pastor (:
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