MONDAY - went to sha's house to make strawberry smoothies for ourselves and *someone . HAHAAS it was so fun . then yeah hanged out in her room and talked talked and acted crazy . then went home had piano then mich came to exercise . but in the end we uZapped did FACIALS ! and talked about all that has happened . at night talked to sha on the phone again too .

overload ! so much for our culinary skills !
TUESDAY - went for SIP in the morning it started at 10 am . so was supposed to meet shawnie for breakfast , but was late . then in the end today only 6 people came . so then we played games in daniel hall . we played hide and seek and catching IN THE DARK ! and I was the hide and seek finder lar ! omg it was so scary kays cos all was quiet and sooo dark ! then cos they had curtains in daniel hall then i was so afraid to open the curtains cos i kept thinking about the little blue boy from THE GRUDGE ! so scray but in the end , all went well . played quite a lot of lame games then went for lunch at parkway and headed back for a session on significance . okay learnt a lot bout myself la . the adrina suddenly came halfway . so she joined us . then after huimin gave us this letter from God . its like actually a compilation of bible verses but it sounded like God was speaking to us . and it was really really sweet and touching . the sweetest letter anyone ever wrote me , its like you can cry when you read it !
then after that was supposed to go for touchdance at night . then adrina wanted to come so waited for her then we went back to my house to get ready and talked and ate then we set off . met meixiu on the bus from tiong bahru and we were like super late . but thank god no pastor was there or else we’d be so dead . then today we learned the steps for the new year bash ! its sooo nice . and love the hip hop part . so hip-hopish ! anyways the night ended well . and adrina meixiu and i got really crazy in the cab that the uncle was like so irritated with us . but HAHAS . that’s us ! at night talked to sha on the phone again and i finally heard the convo .OMG . and it was sweet . we've been talking alot lately . supposed to have a sleepover on friday too !
TODAY – had SIP again in the morning . was supposed to there at 9 am kays ! but then dad fetched me and sha there , to east coast park today . and reached ard 10 plus . today was mostly games . we were supposed to do devotion at macs . but then me and sha ended up talking about *ahems and told her about my oh-so-wonderful-and-sweet dream last night ! but of course we did read the devotion thing ! then went back to the shelter thing there . today MORE people came ! then we had worship with the guitar too and played this game until . then thank God for shawnie and huimin with their cars so we drove back to TC there . had lunch at octopus . saw quite a lot of people there la ! like soooo unexpected ! then after lunch it was game playing time . first we had some newpaper flipping thing , then some mind game stepping on the black tiles game and the last one was the all get wet game ! so yeah well something happened . so i was like not very happy about it . but then after talking to shawnie bout it , i realized that it had got a lot to do with yesterday’s thing about significance and all the different traps that we fall under . anyways i realized a lot of good things from shawnie so after that i just decided to forget it and realize that i am me , and not anyone else . then after everything , went home by myself . tmr there’s SIP again and DANCE ! ! yay it just makes my day to be able to go for dance (: anyways ohh yeah yesterday , i found out something from someone . and i’m extremely disappointed with that person so now i desperately want to password protect my blog . ARGH , NOW ! !
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