Saturday, June 30, 2007
about what happen last week while she was away. turns out she really did go check the condo cameras and she knows more than i expect . it was so scary i tell you, and she made me spill everything out . so yea , she knows now ):
ohoh thursday was lianne's birthday . so to miss the mass in the morning and to celebrate it , we headed off to the airport and had a real fulfilling birthday breakfast at Breeks cafe . its 24hours haahhaah , so next time uh, in the middle of the night . . . it'll be a good place to spend there (:
but ah wells , i think no more of that until prolly exams are over .
yeah so anyway after that we went to enjoy the deliciously sinful warm chocolate cake at Starbucks , it was heavenly but kinda too chocolatey . the couches were really comfortable that we attempted to nap for awhile , haha ! it was unsuccessful though . then we were late already so cabbed all the way back to school at recess . turns out the mass ended earlier than expected . oh wells didnt miss out on much anyway (:
my dad's like asking me about my personal life now , making me admit it !
gosh , there's no way i'm gonna admit it , i mean to my parents ?
its like , i'm so not gonna tell you kinda thing !
KH says:
must be something .....
KH says:
like got some feeling like that ???
vanessa ; its unpredictable , its unseen . says:
but its not affecting my studies what
KH says:
haha .. so you admit
vanessa ; its unpredictable , its unseen . says:
admit what?
KH says:
that you got some feeling for him
vanessa ; its unpredictable , its unseen . says:
no laa..
KH says:
wait wait.... if got no feeling why talk on the phone till the wee hours of the night
vanessa ; its unpredictable , its unseen . says:
as normal friends what
vanessa ; its unpredictable , its unseen . says:
i also talk to my other friends until the wee hours of the night
KH says:
hahaha,,, your other friends are girl friends, talking to boy for so long sure got something
vanessa ; its unpredictable , its unseen . says:
noooooooo .
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
oh great my phone bill just came . i'm in effing deep shit with my mother , again . she's f-ing angry and i bet now she's gonna take away my phone for good . whats this world coming to . whats with my mom . its gonna be another night spoiled by her , AGAIN .
Sunday, June 24, 2007
where are you when i need you;
Friday, June 22, 2007
woke up real late today and we went shopping at marina and raffles . HAHA there's some tv commercial interview thingy thats going on tmr . and they called us to go down for it . hahha woooww i can't wait (: mom's coming back tmr , heard loads from her and the shopping paradise in shanghai . it was like heaven that she bought 10 pairs of shoes for us . haha yay there's no bio tuition tmr night so finally going shopping again with mich and lianne again .
oh yeah tonight there's gonna be fun again . adrina's staying over again . tsk , waiting for her to come back from hafiz's house now . this is so annoying la , they dont wanna let her come home . haha and we have plans for later again la .
gosh something scary just happened . but luckily everything is still okay .
seriously some people are starting to get on my nerves . so irritating . well thanks loads, girlfriends . we've all been through it and cant stand her !
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
today morning was scary. HOW ON EARTH COULD SHE HAVE SUSPECTED? like its so random that she called so early in the morning , cos usually we're all still sleeping . like as though she had KNOWN it was gonna happen . what if there're like cameras around that i dont know of! omg i'm seriously so scared , she can be the sneakiest person on earth ! but thankfully , it wasn't that bad , on the positive side (: thank God ? i guess and hope so , for giving us a chance .
on the other hand , some parts of the morning just makes me smile (: hahahah , cute wasn't it ?
church today was like kinda . . . zzzxx . there was literally no one present . sigh why is it always like that! but anyways went to find adrina darling after service . hahahahaha jing-a-lingling ! okay i feel so bad now , i better stop before karma gets back at me . then she came over for awhile , and we pigged out on B&J from the tub. oh shiok (: sigh fatties . looks like that stupid 28day exercise and diet plan didnt really work out. i'm so undisciplined ! see la , thanks to someone who told me that for sure i wouldnt carry it out everyday ): positive encouragement from the start would help alot ,thank you. hahahah oh wells . the week ahead's gonna be interesting ! and craaazzyyy too (: and its the LAST week of the hols. i havent started studying . can someone kill me please . i'm so worried . i want to slap myself to wake up and hello , its like only about four months left , vanessa! what the hell is wrong with you?! okay i vow to become a full time studying student 24/7 once school starts . thats a nicer way to tell myself i shall be a nerd . HAHA okay whatever .
Love is when you give someone the power to hurt you , but trust them not to .
Saturday, June 16, 2007
glad everythings fine now, i owe you one darl .
love LOVE <3
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
oh and yesterday morning i had the ultimate shock of my life! suddenly woke up at like around 6plus to see my maid and that girl standing in front of me beside my bed! like wth is she doing in my house AGAIN? was so freakin pissed because i've been missing out on my sleep for the past few nights, and here she is disrupting my sleep again. but after hearing her story on her stepdad trying to kill her and she jumping down three storeys to escape i let her stay . she was crying and begging my maid to let her in somemore, what can i do. went to school in the morning and mom got a shock to see her . came home and called adrina and she came over. gosh we were so evil to keep on trying to think of ways to get her out of the house . HAHA (: we finally did it after mom gave her a long lecture cos we found out her story was fake! then the both of us pigged out on swensons and ben and jerrys before heading down to cine to some pool place or something to meet adrina's (: and his friends. then went back home again together and discussed more about plans for the tonight !
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be mine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
Cause I wanna hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But its time for me to go home
Its getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself instead of calamity
Peace, Serenity
Monday, June 11, 2007
me and mich got skirts from topshop at cheap cheap! after bio tuition on thursday night, we were delirious (:
went shopping at bugis with kim on friday. we both got our grey skinnies and dresses ! yayay then relieved old memories and took loads of retarded pics in the neoprint machines . hahah met dawn and ivana halfway , who were really late . then me and kim decided to head home .
ate a really sinful supper at swensons after bio tuition with mich , mom and sis . there goes our diet plan again , sigh . but we only live once anyway.
trained to bugis again with mich and lianne on saturday . tried to search for more dresses but nothing found. then met adrina at parkway after that and omg we had the fun-nest time of our life at harris ! absolute craziness HAHA. then met shawn and had dinner at fish and co ! we managed to convince her to buy us a cocktail too (:
fishy maria (:
walked around at parkway after dinner and the both of us started having laughing fits at diva. HAHAHAH the gigantic hairclips and the scarf ! then went to topshop and we bought the cute undies too! then adrina had to go and me and shawn headed to tiff and sha's house for the movie marathon. hahahha watched one movie and i already felt sleepy. but anyway talked with sha until almost 7 then we fell asleep.
hospitality thingy the next day for church. bleah smelly caps! hahah had a toilet session then celebrated tiffany's birthday after service and went back to sha's house with adrina. we had the ultimate sharing session there man! talked about , hahahah stuff! and made super exciting plans too (: suddenly when i think again , i realised how much our friendship has grown since two years ago , when it was mostly still about petty lies and gossips about each other. now everythings changed, we all have changed too , and we've still got each other (: went home and the craziest thing happened in the middle of the night! i barely know this girl and she stayed over at my house haha! but then again , its always good to help others . but i hardly slept again !

don't ask. HAHA (:
today is the start of my 28day exercise and diet plan thanks to cleo ! and this time , i promise myself that i MUST stick to it or else !
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
went shopping before bio tuition (: found out i have stupid makeup classes this wed, thurs and friday.
collected my black pinafore dress on saturday yay (:
then went to the movie marathon with sha .
church yesterday.
we were late .
went to satisfy our macs craving before that.
then it was cell at my house .
no school for me today . hah had chem tuition after that. what a bore.

Friday, June 01, 2007
Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning
Waking up to find another day
The moon got lost again last night
But now the sun has finally had its say
I guess I feel alright
But it hurts when I think
When I let it sink in
It's all over me
I'm lying here in the dark
I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot
& all I know is
You've got to give me everything
Nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me
I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' in everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right
All I wanted was to know I'm safe
Don't want to lose the love I've found
Remember when you said that you would change
Don't let me down
It's not fair how you are
I can't be complete, can you give me more?
& all I know is
You got to give me everything
& nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me
I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' in everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right
Oh please, you know what I need
Save all your love up for me
We can't escape the love
Give me everything that you have

the soup spoon (:

lipgloss. compact and mascara .

toilet pics
and there's more too , hahah but the rest are private (: more to come !