OHMYGOSH! i haven't blogged for goodness knows how long ! well hello blogger i'm back ! so many things have happened i don't know where to start! ah okay anyways lets start with after O's , yes its finally over ! and ever since then last week has been going out to town and all looking for grad night stuff. and i finally dyed my hair on tuesday before heading to attica at night ! but it was dumb cos we didn't get in again after eating thanks to some fight. argh but definitely more clubbing to come ! then i finally got my new nokia phone on wednesday (; thursday was grad night stuff again before heading back to dance in church ! and now we're already rehearsing for countdown party! dancing to this song called 'I believe' in the movie Honey! then Friday did nails and hair with Mich before Grad Night. well it wasn't that bad except the hall looked liked the hall. and after that some band came to play and we were all dancing crazily around the hall and going high together! haha. then after the whole thing , went to haagan daz with sa and tiff. what a night (:
saturday had dance again in the morning, then went job hunting in town with chrislyn and meixiu. and we were just reminiscing about the past like how we were just rehearsing for countdown party last year, and now we're rehearsing it again! and how time just flies.
ah and well today. church. the message was on forgiveness and it really struck me. and i went out for minstry. i needed to forgive that person for what happened recently and probably to let go of past hurts and forgive him on that. i broke down quite alot and also shared my whole experience with rachel. and well after sharing everything with her , turns out that this whole issue is gonna get quite messy too. he'll probably be real mad at me as well, but i really hope everything will end well. and we'll all learn form this, especially him .

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