just came back from a homework session with mich and lianne at her house . as there is now officially NO MORE tutorials and ccas FOREVER ! wow we ate so much ! all the junk so therefore i can conclude that studying makes you fat ! well at least for us . HAHA anyway my week so far was good (: we even skipped the last drama practice on friday . and then had bio tuition at parkway till 10pm . and as usual omg the sec3 class was such a show ! that girl again , which we found out that her name was FAITH called the indian guy a sexy thang again this time infront of everyone even mr lam ! and then he told her to shut up and she still retorted something like 'but its true !' HAHAHA omg . and and when we went to the office after class , the indian guy told the person working there that there was this crazy girl in the class and whether he could change her class , HAHA oh wells but she seems kinda poor thing but whatever la .
then on saturday had my 2.4km run in the morning ! me and mich woke up late and so we rushed like mad to bedok reservoir only to find out that it hasnt even STARTED yet ! and mich suddenly lost her phone so we called the cab and all and searched like mad but we still found nothing . oh gosh but then anyway this time i think 2.4 wasnt that bad ! cos we all listened to mp3s while running and i actually RAN 3/4 without feeling i was gonna drop dead and die ! haha must be all that dancing and running in the gym (: unlike the last few times . then then went home and suntanned by the pool . now i'm sunburnt ! and i dont know why but i'm feeling damn itchy cos of the stupid sunburns ! arghhhh well at least i'm a little tanner ! (: after that had chinese tuition with mich again . which after the both of us cabbed down to bedok reservoir to try our luck to search for her phone but still couldnt find anything . well , look on the bright side mich you'll be getting a nice new phone (:
oh and yesterday was so FUN ! (: met up with sha and adrina before service and we went to coffee bean to hangout and gossip . we stayed there until it was like 2plus as we didnt realise the time therefore we were wayyy late for service ! HAHA then we just sat at hall9 doing guilty things instead of listening . omg i felt so bad after that . but anyhows we had fun . after cell it was sha's house and then after that adrina came over to mine . sigh what a day it was yesterday . love the girls loads we shall continue again next week ! (:

yellow shoes !
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