then the next day it think we went shopping again . so his nice nice brown adidas jacket that was on SALE ! 50 sing bucks only ! but stupid me didnt get it cos i thought that other places would sell nicer and cheaper one s ! argh now i have a theory . if you see something nice and on sale , you just gotta grab it before you totally regret ! then well on tuesday went to shenzhen . stayed in my dad's condo . gosh its really nice ! they have all the facilities there ! a clubhouse that has like billard room and a clinic and a beauty salon ! omg ! if only i stayed there ! then i think the next few days were all going out and shopping ! then this is the best part . went to this place called luo hu . which is the MOST idealistic place for nice and cheap shopping . but got lots of pickpockets too and have to bargain like mad . then went to this shoe shop which were selling 5 pairs for 100 yuan ! thats liek 20 bucks ! means 4 bucks per shoe ! so me and mom bought 9 pairs alotogether ! HAHAS and those shoes are like those king you can find in bugis and far east so its like SUCH a perfect buy ! HAHAS . anyways cant yeah it was lots of shop shop shop there . then on the last day we took a ferry from shenzhen back to hongkong airport . so sad had to leave dad behind ): sigh . oh wells nothing much then . just saw this really cute caucasian guy ont the plane ((: HAHAS . but then nothing happened of course . here are the pics that we took !
our hotel !
view from the top of our room !
me and hannah (:
how nice is this ? room number .
hong kong disneyland train !
chip and dale ! they actually have statues of disney charecters inside the train !
in the train (:
inside buzz lightyear astro blasters !
all the lights !
during the disney parade !
belle (:
the little mermaid float
donald duck . so cute (:
marie (: love that kitty
hongkong disneyland hotel . how victorian is it !?
disney's hollywood hotel !
the restaurant chef mickey (:
chef mickey (:
our meal . what a spread hah
cucumber !
mickey mouse !
my own cadillic (: i wish
welcome to walt disney world !
cute car (:
sunbathing !
hongkong laser lights !avenue of stars
the river skyline . or whatever you call it
whoo scary !
in the cable car
the cable car station
this is what we saw in the village the cable car brought us to : monks dining at STARBUCKS ! i thought they were supposed to lead a simple life ? but here they are feasting on brownies, cakes and starbucks coffee ! a very amusing sight !
and here we are at stonehenge (:
some roman empire thingy
how ironic this is ! a pyramid next to the eiffel tower !
oh yeah the name of the place with all the fake places is called windows of the world
my dad's apartment
the last photo before back to spore ! at the ferry terminal .
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