Saturday, September 30, 2006
today after school had THREE hours of bio tuition at parkway ! omg and also today we saw some people AGAIN at parkway macs ! omg what a coincidence , but anyways yeah after bio tuiton me and mich were dead tired so we slept on the busride home . so after we got down , we walked towards the guard house there , then while walking we started to become really crazy amd all . i also dunno what happened . cos we were talking bout our brains becoming 'ding dang dong' and tick tock , then we started laughing like mad people and all ! it was just so funny cos oh we were just talking really really super crap stuff and laughing like crazy people that i think those cars on the road were staring at us ! hahas oh wells . this is what TOO MUCH bio does to us . last time also during mye we became like that ! humph , see , bio its ALL your fault . oh no i think on monday we'll become like that too ! cos its another 3 hour lesson !
hmmm . . what happened on thursday ? ohno i cant remember . this shows that when vanessa's stressed up , she haas a bad memory ! oh yar . had tuition after school .
today was a half day ! ! ((: cos the school's happy that we achieved some award thingy that we got dismissed at 1015 ! ! hahhs . and today was like super slack too . it was only english physics physics then english english . and yeah ! today lopez was having this MAJOR bitch fit ! she was like acting as if she's like so good and all with her 'i dunno' and 'too bad' facial and hand expressions ! humph and she scolded me cos i only contributed 10 bucks for the dance-a-thon card . hello ? at least i bothered to contribute 8 more dollars ! i could just have given my original 2 bucks noe !
anyways . after school we all had to go to hall to arrange the tables for our exams ! it'll be in the hall this year , all e sec3s and my seat is RIGHT RIGHT infront the first ! oooh so scary . hmm wonder if its a good or bad thing . then after school went with mich and lianne to eat at our 'very-long-never -eat-horrible-fat-uncles-fly-infested' chicken rice shop opposite school . luckily the horrible fat uncles weren't there but it was still fly-infested ! argh . anywyas got home . slept . then woke up and went over to mich's house to study bio before going for bio tuiton !
YEAH then at bio tuiton , this IRRITATING INDIAN HAIRY LEGS GUY was getting on our nerves !! cos today mr lam was doing respiration , which we are not tested on , so me and mich studied excretion by ourselves . so halfway we were laughing about something then that indian guy was like 'shutup lar ! ' then we were like 'WHHHAAAT ?? " so we turned around and gave him that look ! omg he has the nerves !! anyways . cos halfway thru mr lam called on him to answer a question , then the girl near me asked another girl beside her if his name was 'prada ' ! omg i started laughing cos his name does sound like prada , except i tot it was actually 'prata' at first ! it was damn funny ! ! hahs omg ! ! thats the end of it then .
today had huimin's tribe congre meeting in the afternoon at samuel hall . and it was raining damn heavily man ! well i wouldnt say it was that interesting or anything . cos nothing much happened . so yeah went home in the end . i shall GO STUDY now ! must 'press on !' like what mrs heng always says (:
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
its been such a long time . been so busy with church , SINGAPORE IDOL , school, homework (bleah) . anyways . now i shall start about sunday !
went to church early today with chrislyn to study , do work and catch up with each other . but since we were late as usual , didnt really study . hahas . anyway we plan to meet up early every sunday to study and stuff . and next week's the CARNIVAL !! yay . omg hahas cant wait for it again ((: so then was waiting for sha and her sisters who were LATE again . humph . . so went in and all . then both of us , me and sha were busy reading THE FILES book and laughing away bout all our dumb moments AND other people's dumb moments that we forgot to listen to the sermon. oops ! but anyways after service , went for cell group . then had icebreaker first and blah blah . i think that now i'm kinda beginning to get to noe and like my 'cousins' . as in like spiritual cousins . guess everyth's stabilising now . . after icebreaker , had to leave cos was going SI tonight . so then shawnie came so i told her i had to leave . THEN she was looked kinda angry with me and asked me why i never tell her earlier . then i was like huh ? get so worked up for what ? yeah then dunno why . she's in a bad mood or what lar . then asked me bout that girl . i mean how i know why isnt she having cell with us ? she doesnt even talk to us anymore what . argh so dumb . just cos of a SMALL matter 2 weeks ago den she's like that .
so then i felt kinda pissed cos it looked like she was putting her unhappiness on ME . which i didnt even do anything wrong . argh . walked out PISSED . but then luckily kim was on the line accompanying me on the LONG wait for the stupid train .
so then once i got home , quickly got changed and met nic at tanah merah . next time , you all better WAIT for me ! humph . then from kallang took a cab and reached sis . omg i think its like sooo cool cos you can see all the jon fans , hady fans and people's weird/trashy/bitchy dressing styles ! cos there were just too many people like that , so i had a fun time giving people the once-over ! hahs oh but of cos in a subtle way . i'm not THAT mean . den waited quite long for the show to start and i was tempted by the burger that some other girl down my row bought . so i couldnt resist and bought that FIVE DOLLAR burger too . sigh . overpriced things . then finally the show came on ! omg it was so cool in the end ! and when jon sang , it was like woooww !omg the diff is when hady sings, even though its good , i dont feel that wow feeling, but when jon sings , its like omg ! wooooww ! so yeahh .
then after the whole thing mom and dad picked me and nic up and went home and get ready for tmr's RESULTS SHOW ! anyway . these are the SI pics.

see we're trying to hold the poster up.
JON ROCKS poster ! look familiar ? maybe cos you saw it in the papers !
cant really remember what happened today . just that went home straight after school and slept before waking up to get ready for SI . so today was like kinda great cos we ENTERED SIS through the premier entrance which made us feel so grand and sat on nice very front grand seats . and the whole performance and all were great . i seriously DONT regret going for SI . and also ! me and nic were taking every chance when the camera was at our direction to put up our huge orange jon rocks poster so that singapore can see us ! haha lame but yeah .
and in the end , HADY WON ! bleah was so sad . jon was like, our idol ! argh . oh wells . then after the show , me and nic went to the barrier there to wait for all the idols to come out ! and THEN the top 10 came out ! omg i think joakim was the first . then omg ! the moment i saw him i was like omg he's sooo much better looking in real life ! OHH NO VANESSA . i've got THAT feeling ! (((: anyways . after the top 10 left, and all of them looked so much better , prettier , more glam than ever ! jealous . so after they left we waited for a REAL long time for jon and hady to come out . so wells it was getting REALLY late so we just decided to walk over to 7 11 when suddenly we heard screams coming from back there , so we quickly RAAAN all the way back there to see jon ! but aiya too bad those dumb security guards were so overly protective of them ! so we didnt get a chance to really make jon notice US ! humph . wells after the whole controversy , we tried to figure out a way to get a cab ! sooo last min but thats us !~ so we walked all the way out . while walking it was quite late alr 10++ so i decided to play 'take it all' real loudly from my phone and we started singing along real loudly too , hoping it qould scare away any bad guys !
until . . we reached the bus stop where we saw these two scantily dressed women who looked really weird and funny looking ,asked us where to get a cab to clarke quay . my first thought was 'SHIT ! ohh no .' cos i started to get really freaked out inside, cos of those stories where , ppl might not appear as what they seem ! and somemore there wasnt anyone else . THEN along came a cab and we gave it to them ! argh . but anyways after being stranded at a super ulu and eerie carpark for a few seconds, along came some cabs! thank god ! then luckily got home safe and sound ~
Saturday, September 23, 2006
oh yes and during english ! as we were supposed to do the dumb eng compre, all of us , well actually only the front rows people , had no mood to do at all ! so we were all laughing and crapping away loudly and ignored lopez's pleas for us to do our work ! ahaaha (: so much FUN and LAUGHTER , crapping around, making dumb jokes , laughing at lopez , perhaps on monday , all this would be gone . OH how i miss it !
but anyways , after school while going home with mich and lianne, i saw all the obs people again , they just came back ! all of them looked so red and charcoaled. HUH i wanna be tan too ! maybe the only reason if i should EVER EVER go for obs, but i dont think i ever will in a million years, would be just to get tan . anyways since the weather was liek so freakin hot as usual , we took a cab back. and how lucky we were to actually get a LONDON CAB ! it was so pretty . it was white and it was a voltswagon ! or however you spell it ! and in the inside, it just felt exactly like a real car . sooo nice ! it was like the feeling of being chauffered ! ((: if only the journey was longer .
anyways . reached home , ate my lunch then went to bathe and later met mich to go the parkway early to study our bio first . took a cab AGAIN . cos of the weather . aiya all the weather's fault ! now i'm like broke ): then walked around for a while and dorothy perkins were having a bag sale ! so cheap all the nice pouches, wallets and bags , i think i really have save up for shopping ! anyways went to yoshinoya to eat our dinner den studied our bio till it was time for tuition !
ohoh then cos we went to the macs toilet , then suddenly lester msged me , and was like 'what are you doing in parkway with michelle ?' then i was like omg ! he saw us . but he didnt wanna tell , so me and mich walked all the way back to parkway to get a bottle of water and try to see if we can spot him there, then mich said that she had a strong feeling he was at macs , so we walked all the way back there . and so we kept our eyes peeled ! and yeah i spotted him at the al fresco side . den i was like trying to tell mich that that was him , but she being blur as always took a real long time to spot him so we walked back and forth again . which totalled up to 5 times ! so embarrassing . but oh wells , mich FINALLY got to see how he looked liked in the end ! and as always , he kept denying and saying i was insane and crazy when i tried to state FACTS bout he and mich . argh , haiya i give up already .
so when i went home , found out that i had visitors staying at my house AGAIN ! but at least till sunday. argh dunno how many times already people have been coming and i have to SHARE the toilet . humph ! then later me and mich tried to study again on the phone , and both of us were really superly frustated of everything ! studies and all ! and i felt really dumb cos i couldnt do any of the amaths questions, i dunno why but i just cant remember ! i think i'm just dumb, maybe most of my brain cells have died and i'm stuck with a permeable brain . everything that goesm in just comes out again . argh then HOW ON EARTH am i gonna get good grades for end years ? and also i CANT stand people who boast bout their results or how smart they are, subtly OR WORSE straightforward in my face ! argh i seriously felt i was gonna cream and burst last night . its not my fault i'm not like born with a highIQ just like my classmates . anyways here are the pics we took after school behind the cher's desk !~
now a fully captured group shot ! BEHIND the teacher's desk ahhaa .
Thursday, September 21, 2006
ohh today for PE we had sooo much fun ! cos mrs yong didnt come so some of us were sitting on top of the hill just emo-ing away ! den suddenly we had this crazy idea to take pics of us emo-ing ! since those prefects wern't here so all the more we should take advantage of this oh-so-cool opportunity ! hahahs it was sooo fun ! here are the pics (:

see the difference ! the EMO side and the CHEERY side !
whee ~ reach for the sky ! or rather , SUNLIGHT !
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
TODAY ((: what a wonderful and FUNNY and RETARDED day ! came to school this morning and me and kim exchanged our card neoprints from sec1 that me, kim and tiff took together ! HAHAHS it was hilarious and i cant believe how tooty all of us looked last time ! eeew and the background we chose for the neoprints! one was some WEIRD night sky thing with a HUGE moon above our heads ! and the other one , eeew it was some setting at the beach with cocktail glasses . that was the worst cos we didnt noe how to set the settings for the neoprint machine so all our TIES were sticking out. AND WORSE OF ALL MY HEAD WAS STICKING OUT OF THE SURFBOARD !! so horrible (: then kim passed me the chocomint lip smackers ! ahhhh i love the smell so nice and shiny too . then she showed me the smackers eyeliner . omg they were so pretty ! all shimmery and stuff ! how could i be so dumb not to want it at first ? anyways i ordered them alr so cheap only like 3bucks for it . hahahs . then for recess stayed back in class to EAT . HAHA me nic caroline ate our guide cookies which FINALLY came. eh actually quite good timing . and lin came to eat them as well . she ar hahs (: and during chem we also had a sweet eating session .

Sunday, September 17, 2006
so after service was okay lar. never meet anyone interesting nowadays. sigh. but anyways while waiting for everyone. this person which i shall call 'that person' , wantyed to go over to the area near the no smoking sign which was like soooo faraway from the cafeteria , then of cos i dont want cos, you noe lar. then i suggested like whether could we sit nearer the cafeteria so that easier can buy food. THEN she was like soooo MEAN !! she was like no we shall go sit over there, i'm not shawnie you noe, so nice and like okayokay sure that kind. when i say we sit there everyone has to follow. or someth like taht ! den i was like okay okay den . like no big deal lar. THEN she still continued rambling on and on. ARGH !! pissed me off like SHIT can ! so i was trying very hard to control my emotions, before i show her face, and it was like infront of everyone can ! wth ! it was ONLY a mere suggestion , does she have to be sooooo .... about it ?! humph ! spoil my mood for the rest of cell lar . stupid den we played this game , and i'm like not good at games, so i was like kinda like 'huh?' that kind. den she has to be so sarcastic like rolling her eyes and all. not only to me but other ppl too./ like what 's her prob man? whatever lar dont care bout her already. she 's seriously soooo.. argh . dont wanna talk bout today . so pissifying. anyways when we break up into our cell groups BETTER ! today us and that girl was okay lar. but still . i'm NOT gonna talk to her, . but oh wells . then after cell, shawnie sent me and nicole and sha home . with that person too. oh wells den nicole told us that she asked her sis bout that *girl already. then her sis said that yeah she's like such a rich bimbo-bitch or somth like that .hahahs ! so true man ! ooops , but its a fact .oh yeah den she also said mentioned that even her sis knows bout last time the conflict between me and her. omg . so does that mean that most of those people noe ? omg no ! ! eeeew !
Friday, September 15, 2006
so after school , it was raining ! like argh. so met up with mich and ethel to take a cab . yeah and it was RAINING . and my bag was so wet ! ohh but luckily its kinda waterproof i hope. BUT still its ONLY my second time using it ! hurhur . but poor ethel her roxy bag was kinda drenched and its like velvety kinda material some more ! ohh wells after waiting for a damn LONG time we FINALLY got a cab ! all thanks to some annoying juniors who dare to cut seniors queue . anyways next year's OUR year, we'll be seniors of the seniors (not countin sec5s) and we get the privilage!
got home, lazed around. ate lunch. took a nap. before meeting mich for bio tuition. today was okay lar. just that its raining. so i dont like the weather. last friday also the same ! pfft . aiyas i cant believe exams are so near . AND i havent even started on anything too ! ohhh wells . dont wanna talk bout tonight .
ohh guess what ? THAT GIRL just smsed me just now. whats with her man? she was like, OVERLY polite in her msg . asking me to bring her book and all. sounds like some end to the friendship, you noe when you return all the stuff you borrowed from your friend since long ago. that kinda thing. okay fine if she wants it that way . then BE THAT WAY ! i dont care too . bleah crazie . . . ah whatever i shall go get some beauty sleep now then !
Been through just about everything
That i could go through when it comes to relationships
Don't know what i was missing or why i ain't listen
When i told myself that was it
But here i go hurt again cause
Of my curiosity now that its over
What else could it be
Besides a cheat
I made a promise
Never to settle (why didnt i keep it)
Cos i needed the heart break
Cryin and cheatin the fooling around
But i'm not missing you
I'm not going through emotions
Waiting and hoping you would call me
I'm not missing u
You mighta had me open
But i must be goin because
I got lots to do
I know i'm usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you go
But this time its different
I dont even feel the distance
I'm not missing, i'm not missing you
Its a shame in a way
Cos i feel that i may not
Ever find the right one for me
Did i leave him this year
I didn't find a face oh
Will my true love ever be
How could i go on a search again
When i know what the end will be
What good is love when it keeps on hurting me
No i cant be with you cos
I'm scared felt like i was falling when you left me
I can't keep going through life
Unaware of what im missing
Or the person that i could be
Loves good when its right
Bad when its left
In your memory all the time anytime
I guess love will be nice for someone
This is life
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
anyways i came across that girl's blog just now. and wow to think that she's got the guts to bitch bout me and sha. like hello ? who's the main cause of this whole problem ? YOU ! so if you wanna blame anybody , blame yourself ! AND it takes a bitch to know a bitch . so yeah unless you wanna be a bitch.
i mean who was the one who kept purposely coming in between me and sha while we were walking ? dont think we dont notice what your actions are. cos ACTIONS speak louder that WORDS ! and who are you to call me a backstabber? are you calling yourself one? you think i dunno what a hypocrite you are? first bitching bout sha to me behind her back then bitching bout me to sha behind my back ! well , we noe better than you do cos now , we all noe what your true colours are ! actually i've known LONG ago whenever you made up all those crap excuses for dance. just that i've been tolerating AND forgiving you after ALL you did. and only one little thing that we did on sunday , and you're so worked up. you don't even noe how to forgive ! me and sha were just trying to catch up with each other. whats wrong with that? anyways you're also always leaving her out. so you think you can always have your way isit? you can do it to people but people cant do it to you huh.
and oh for goodness sake. BEHAVE yourself in church ! everytime during service she's always not listening. forever taking our stuffs, doodling, looking into our bag, SLEEPING ! and not once but countless times ! then whats the point of coming to church like that ?! well i've had enough of her. and this time i'm not gonna be the one apologising ! cos i've always been the one saying it first, and for all the things that you've done to me, you should noe what to do then if you even cared bout this friendship .
Monday, September 11, 2006
so now i'm like doing my freakin physics project on dunno what radio waves. and i'm starting to fall asleep while reading what do radio waves do. its like boring and i'm thinkin of my bed . so now i'm blogging to keep myself awake. and continue doing it. argh as always , i'm not meant to take triple science so i shall not be surprised if my project turns out wrong or different like the rest of my classmates just liek my balancing toy project . whatever man !
wells yesteday church was okay. had worship sang take it all ! yay i like so love that song but so sad i cant dance for it ! but the steps are kinda fun to do esp the 'whoa oh' part ! i LOVE taht part ! hahs . then after that had cell grp. and the cafeteria totally changed man ! all the food are soooo overpriced ! and the chairs and tables look so hard and cold ! and expo doent feel like a nice comfy family place like what tc felt like ! thats why i just miss all the times we had there !
yeah cell grp was a combines with some of the other cells in huimin's tribe.
it was kinda better lar. but it could be better. but kinda sad today like didnt get to see any of myother friends . tehn it'll be better ! but after cell went over to the cafeteria . i miss the nachos and 1dollar sausages ! but now got otak . so thats like the new 'in' food for my cell. den saw chrislyn was supposed to meet up today to talk bout our stuffs and hows it going in our cell grp but didnt get a chance too ! den found out that tiffany wants to move over back to shawnie's side. ohh good timing . yay then we'll have one new sister. oh yeah found out so many ppl from pea's side moving over to huimin ! wonder why. like abby, sheep, jolene under junting and now tiffy . hmmm so weird ! ! anyways this was how my sunday was . .
- chemistry tutorial in school 83o-12pm
-shawnie came to pick me from nicole's house near my school after that.
-went for tribe outing at east coast park !
-me and adrina talked bout our planned bikini wearing !
-ate at macs for lunch , den sha came with her friend denise.
-after lunch , shawnie had to go pick huimin from marine parade near tc there so me adrina sha and denise followed her.
-me and adrina wanted to buy some snacks from 7-11 for later so we got down but in the end we couldnt find anything.
-then suddenly !! cos we were walking back to shawnie's car then had to walk past the octopus coffeeshop so we suddenly saw those touchkidz people there !
-then adrina wanted to walk past the coffeeshop as in right infront of them , den i was like no !
-so she was like pulling me and jumping around me but thank god she finally gave up.
-then we heard like alot of laughter coming from there, its so obvious they were laughing at us . you have no idea how embarrassed i am , since we noe some ppl there.
-then quickly rushed back to shawnie's car and told sha and the rest what happened. argh !
-drove back to ecp, took a very long time to find a good kayaking place.
-finally found it, me and adrina paired up.
-got totally drenched !
-while rowing halfway , sha spotted this bouy at sea and started saying it was a dead man cos it was white and looked like a helmet with seaweed and moss stuck to it ! eeeew !
-so me and adrina started getting quite freaked cos it looked kinda real , even though we noe its not.
-so then cos we were so tired alr and stopped rowing, we floated damn near the 'dead man' den we started screaming and tried to row as hard as we could ! hahahs
-in the end all went well. no dead man tried to drag us under the sea. and sha's likes scaring people.
was totally drenched by then with salty sea water eew !
-so the 4 of us rinsed ourselves completely hair and all in this special shower place.
-aftyer everyone was done, we were all deciding what to do next, some wanted to blade or head for home .
-so me and adrina wanted to go bathe so she called her mom to see if she could open up the baptism pool toilet for us and she did !-so shawnie drove us there, wet and all in her car. so nice of her !
-den when we reached there we crapped around with pics !
-then went daniel hall to rest and do a little crazy thing. shant say it !
-went home at 7+pm
-at night talked to sha on the phone like finally after so long and we had a really good long girl talk on evrything until 2++am !
-talked bout our evil plans !
-talked bout how much we miss tc and sat youth service last time and all the wonderful and sad memories we had there !
-thats why i love going to marine parade !=)
-talked bout how one year ago on 6 sept 2005 . that thing happened . and she was on the phone with me too. had a great time laughing too!
-and how fast it has been cos one year has passed already !
-said i kinda missed it . but its over already so yeah .
-den went to sleep .
-physics tutorial 83o-113oam
-had cheena tuition with huibo which was actually after sha !
-so sha called me inbetween huibo arriving at my house and we were talking bout this girl's blog cos she's like kinda related to some ppl.
-den she was like lets meet later after your tuition at marine parade since later i was also going for touchdance with chrislyn at night.
-so met sha . tried to fulfil our secret mission plan but failed ! bleah ! oh wells.
-den went for dinner at kfc and were planning evil plan no.1 and no. 2 !~
-no.1 was to carried out later and no.2 at night on the phone !
-so we did no. 1 and it we did it !! it worked ! hahahs !~ it was damn funny and we were like laughing our heads off bout it !
- den sha had to go already. met chrislyn and went for touchdance
-was kinda awkward at first cos we hadnt been there for so long and all of them were asking us how come we came back .
-bout 80%++ were new ppl so gotta reintroduce ourselves again.
-learned this new dance 'i am free' i like it ! the steps are so nice.
- think itouchdance is so much better than youthdance but its okay . must be committed to youthdance anyways.
-went home . called sha we talked , carried out evil plan 2 and we succeeded again ! hahahs ! the guy who we msged replied and we had such a FUN time doing it ~!
- then tiffany came into the room so the three of us were like talking and i was on speaker.
-so tiffy told us all bout her new 'one' and we all laughed and me and sha tried to make her say more secrets then later it would be our turn to share.
-so for my turn finally told bout what happened last year that one and for sha, she finally confessed bout him ! like FINALLY man afetr hiding so long.
-but it was a great night cos we all shared all our secrets and got closer i think ! :)
-had bio tutorial bleah early in the morning ! 83o to 10 am
-came late with michelle . luckily saw theresse also late outside school so went into class togetehr, luckily simmy didnt scold us.
-then found out tiffy didnt come for bio . bet she overslept can ! humph !
-but i wasted my time there. only like 1hour 15mins. then she talk talk talk. so boring.
-went home . slept, met mich and li later.
-went li annes house to do hw.
-but ended up watching white chicks on tv ! but at least did a little.
-on the way home. got into BIG trouble with mom.
-scolded me like SHIT !
-cos of some complicated thing.
-hen went for bio tuition at parkway buiders with mich , bio tuition's like always fun cos we're always laughing at mr lam , our teacher.
-mich's dad came to pick us up so while waitin walked ard parkway but it was like so dead today cos i think of the weather and stuff. hmmm boring.
-got home. quarelled with mom again. argh ! then went to sleep all the way until 2++ the next day.
Friday, September 01, 2006
so after we reached parkway it was quite late already all cos of the superly LONG bus journey ! so NO choice had to tapao macs and bring it up to eat ! i didnt wanna eat macs man ! on a diet now and not supposed to eat fastfood ! ohh wells then i shall not eat it for the next one week (: ok went up for tuition . and WOW for once me and mich were the earliest ! we were the first ! hahs so wished mr lam happy teacher's day ! so funny everytime we see him we'll always feel like laughing cos he just looks SO comical ! but anyways believe it or not , i just feel so honoured to be taught by a teacher that wrote MY bio textbook ! unlike simpheckchoo. who cant even get our attention . anyways i think i'm coming to like bio tuition cos everyone's so nice there and we're always all laughing at mr lam and his comical actions !
so after tuition me and mich walked to parkway and we went to this bag shop and i saw this really nice white magnetic bag that i really really like ! and i wanna get it ! but since i'm going to KL tmr , hopefully i'll be able to find someth like that there since there's a SALE going on in malaysia ! ((: so then went to esprit . me and mich saw this spag strap that was on sale so we're gonna get it . she'll get it for me tmr and mine's PINK ! someth like the colour of the font i'm using now ! !
anyways i'll be going off to kl tmr and i sure will miss my dearies in church ! like sha and adrina . and wells okays the rest of my cell group . dunno what will happen this weekend during cell .. since all that has happen last week ! anyways . i'll be back on tuesday ! but have stupid tutorials on wed, thurs and fri . OMG ! 3 and a half always of EACH science subject ! i will so die . especially on friday which is bio ! omg i'll seriously be BORED to death . argh still got tons of stupid homework to do . yeah right its HOILDAY homework . bleah stupid chers ! whatever . anywyas gonna go paint my nails now with my new nail polish ! ((: